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About Lexi Logistics

Founded in 2010, Lexi Logistics provides customers with any and all shipping needs in a reliable and safe manner, at the most competitive pricing. Located in the Hunts Point Produce Market, we are unparalleled in our knowledge in produce and fresh perishables, providing the highest quality service with a personal and experienced approach.

However, we are not just limited to perishables, we also pride ourselves on our non-perishable, dry freight expertise as well. Utilizing our connections within these industries, we supply top of the line carriers to make sure your delivery arrives securely, and on time.

Regardless of your merchandise, we have one shared goal, a delivery that is trustworthy and efficient. We understand our business must foster and nurture customer and carrier trust, which is why our unmatched customer service team is available 24/7/365.

At Lexi Logistics, we are fully dedicated to both our customer and carrier needs: our success is your success.   


  • “Reliable carriers, around the clock customer service, and consistent and timely deliveries. I can count on Lexi Logistics for my shipping needs.” – Lexi Logistics Customer
  • “Easy application process and dedicated staff. Lexi Logistics made me feel like part of the team from the start.” – Lexi Logistics Carrier
  • “Lexi Logistics are masters in their field. Seamless pick up and delivery from start to finish.” – Lexi Logistics Customer
  • “Their vast knowledge of the produce industry made me feel safe about shipping my perishable items. Temperature regulated, my perishables are always delivered fresh and on time.”  – Lexi Logistics Customer

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